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Data Transfer Object V3 Modernizes DTOs With PHP 8 Features

Spatie's Data Transfer Object (DTO) package makes constructing objects from arrays a breeze, giving you confidence in the data contained therein. I've been a fan of this package since learning about the initial V1 release, and I hope you'll consider this package for passing around data in your application. The DTO package just released V3 with all of the PHP 8 goodies we've only dreamed of up to this point. For those just starting to use or consider PHP 8 in your projects, the source code of the V3 DTO package is an excellent resource with real-world examples of helpful PHP 8 features. I want to congratulate the principal author Brent Roose and Spatie for moving forward with this excellent package with the features in the V3 release. Here are some of the main features taken from the readme available in V3: Named arguments Value Casts - convert properties typed as a DTO from array data to the DTO instance automatically Custom Casts - you can build your custom caster clas

Laravel v7.12.0 released

Laravel v7.12.0 is released in 2020/05/19, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release. v7.12.0 (2020-05-19) Added Added Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustHosts (9229264) Added ability to skip middleware from resource routes (#32891) Fixed Fixed Queued Mail MessageSent Listener With Attachments (#32795) Added error clearing before sending in Illuminate\Mail\Mailer::sendSwiftMessage() (#32799) Avoid foundation function call in the auth component (#32805) Fixed inferred table reference for Illuminate\Database\Schema\ForeignIdColumnDefinition::constrained() (#32847) Fixed wrong component generation (73060db) Fixed bug with request rebind and url defaults in Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator (6ad92bf) Fixed Illuminate\Cache\ArrayStore::increment() bug that changes expiration to forever (#32875) Changed Dont cache non objects in Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Concerns/HasAttributes::getClassCastableAttributeValue() (894fe22) Added explicit symfony/polyfill-php73 dependency (5796b1e) Set C

Laravel Parallel Testing Is Now Available in laravel8 | Laravelnote

 Parallel Testing | Laravelnote As such we know Laravel and PHP Unit execute your tests sequentially within a single process.  As such laravel check the single process doesn’t use multiple cores so that therefore, your test execution is seriously bottlenecked! we glad to say that Parallel Testing is now available in Laravel. You can use this Laravel version8.25 you may also use to laravel8 built-in test Artisan command to run your cmd to tests simultaneously across multiple processes to use significantly reduce the time required for to run the entire test suite. It is about sure that in laravel8 new on top of Paratest Laravel automatically use to handles creating and migrating a test for database for each parallel process. In The  Laravel8 for testing purpose goodies - such as Storage::fake - are ready for used in Parallel too. Laravel Provide Each all individual laravel8 version use test suite will receive a varying benefits from parallel testing. In The Laravel Tests are execution wa

What is HTTP client in laravel8 by laravenote 2021 | Laravelnote

Laravel provides an expressive, minimal API around the Guzzle HTTP client, allowing you to quickly make outgoing HTTP requests to communicate with other web applications. Laravel's wrapper around Guzzle is focused on its most common use cases and a wonderful developer experience. Before getting started, you should ensure that you have installed the Guzzle package as a dependency of your application. By default, Laravel automatically includes this dependency. However, if you have previously removed the package, you may install it again via Composer: composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle Making Requests To make requests, you may use the get, post, put, patch, and delete methods provided by the Http facade. First, let's examine how to make a basic GET request to another URL: use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; $response = Http::get(''); The get method returns an instance of Illuminate\Http\Client\Response, which provides a variety of methods that may be use

Session Changes in Laravel forge 2021 blog on laravelnote blogspot

 On the morning of March 18th all Laravel Forge sessions were manually logged out. This was done so that we could enable a new security feature in Forge that allows you to manage other browser sessions. Managing Browser Sessions in Forge Managing Browser Sessions in Forge You may log out other browser sessions from the Account page. When doing so, you will be asked to confirm your account password. Remember, you don't need to share your account details with your team members. Instead you can use Circles to share servers and credentials, allowing your team members to create and manage servers. You can read more about the Circles feature within our documentation. If you don’t have a Forge account, now is a great time to sign up! Forge allows you to painlessly create and manage PHP servers which include MySQL, Redis, Memcached, database backups, and everything else you need to run robust, modern Laravel applications.

Octane Support in Laravel forge 2021 5 may

 Back in March, Taylor announced the new Laravel Octane project at Laracon Online. Since then, we've been busy working on bug fixes and enhancements to Octane, as well as adding support to Laravel Forge. Today we're pleased to announce that Octane support is available in Forge. We've written the guide below to help you get started. Please keep in mind that Octane is still in beta and should not be used in production. Prerequisites Your project must require "laravel/octane": "^0.3.2" or above. Your server must have PHP 8.0 installed. You should then follow the Octane installation instructions listed in the Octane repository. Creating an Octane Site Octane can be enabled by selecting the Laravel Octane (Beta) project type option and PHP 8.0 as the PHP version that should be used to serve your site: Laravel Octane Project Type Laravel Octane Project Type Once the project type has been selected, Forge will ask for the port that Octane should listen on. Unlik

How To Forge Round-Up in Laravel8 | Laravelnote

  April has been a busy month at Laravel Forge. With such a feature-packed month, I thought it would be great to finish the month with a blog post highlighting some of the best bits. Firstly, Claudio Dekker joined us on the 5th April. Claudio will be primarily working alongside myself on Forge. Server Events Panel | Laravelnote Claudio's first contribution to Forge is the addition of a new Server Events panel. This panel displays the last 30 days of server events, such as adding an SSH key, creating a new site, installing a new version of PHP, etc. It also doubles as an server audit trail, allowing you to see who did what, and when. The new Server Events panel in Forge. The new Server Events panel in Forge. Site Commands Panel Improvements & API We shipped the Site Commands Panel at the end of March, and have continued to improve it since. The latest round of improvements include: Commands which fail due to server connection issues will correctly be marked as failed. The panel