As your applications scale, processing large amounts of database records with Laravel Eloquent can become increasingly difficult. Resulting in out of memory exceptions and overall slowing down your application. Why is that? When fetching results from the database you are in turn pulling that data into memory. Take this snippet of code for instance Post :: all () -> each ( function ( $post ) { // ... }); Which results in the following query, loading all records in the posts table into memory select * from posts ; Typically for tables with a small number of records, this is absolutely acceptable. However, as you accumulate tens of thousands of posts you will eventually begin hitting memory resource constraints of your webserver. Chunking | Laravelnote A common approach in Laravel is to use Eloquent's (via BuildsQuery ) chunk() method which fetches a fixed amount of records breaking a larger set into more consumable chunks. Post :: chunk ( 1000 , function...
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