Tailwind v2.1 was just released with a new JIT Engine, Filter and Backdrop-filter Utilities, and more. Let's take a look at some of the new features. JIT Engine | Laravelnote A few weeks ago, the Tailwind team released a package they were using to expiriment with a just-in-time compiler for Tailwind. With the release of Tailwind v2.1, the JIT compiler is included in Tailwind core. Just add mode: 'jit' to your Tailwind config file and configure the purge property to scan your markup. // tailwind.config.js module.exports = { mode: 'jit', purge: [ // ... ], // ... } Filter and Backdrop-filter Utilities filter and backdrop-filter utilities have been added. These additions have a composable API similar to the transform utiltiies in Tailwind. Apply the filter (or backdrop-filter) class and then you combine utilities for blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, and other CSS filter properties. Check out the possibilities in the Tailwind docs. <div c...
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