What it is? | Laravelnote PHP Routing is a custom written routing library that was inspired by the Slim framework . It was written as a small and lightweight alternative to it as I needed to use something with as little overhead as possible . The first version of the library was consisting of a single PHP class that was able to handle static and some basic dynamic routes and had a semi working support for adding and using middlewares. At first that was more than enough for my use case and the library was left at that, but recently I started rewriting one of my personal projects Did You Buy It? live on my Twitch channel and decided I wanted to use PHP for it, as the original API was developed using Node and Express. What does it do? | Laravelnote Exaxmple on how to add your own routes: $routes = new Routes ; $routes -> add ( '/' , function () { echo "Hello world" ; }, Routes :: GET ); // If the request method is not specified the GET method is...
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