Beginning today, you may provide a list of email addresses that you would like to receive invoice PDFs when your Envoyer and Vapor subscriptions successfully renews.
We recently added this feature to Forge too, so now all Laravel products support this.
This new feature is available at:
Envoyer: "My Profile > Billing" dashboard image
Vapor: "My Profile > Billing" dashboard image
The invoice email contains a public and safe download invoice link, so your invoice recipient email addresses do not need to have access to your Envoyer and Vapor accounts.
This article was originally posted, with additional formatting, on my personal blog at laravel serializes model Background When dispatching an object onto the queue, behind the scenes Laravel is recursively serializing the object and all of its properties into a string representation that is then written to the queue. There it awaits a queue worker to retrieve it from the queue and unserialize it back into a PHP object (Phew!). Problem When complicated objects are serialized, their string representations can be atrociously long, taking up unnecessary resources both on the queue and application servers. Solution Because of this, Laravel offers a trait called SerializesModels which, when added to an object, finds any properties of type Model or Eloquent\Collection during serialization and replaces them with a plain-old-PHP-object (POPO) known as a ModelIdentifier. These identifier objects represent the original properties Model type and ID, or IDs in the case of an Eloquent\Collecti...