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Showing posts with the label Password Validation Rule Object in #Laravel 8 #2021

Password Validation Rule Object in laravel8 by laravelnote

  Originally released in Laravel 5.5,   custom validation rule objects   offer a fluent alternative to string-based rules. In its simplest form, the   Password   rule object replaces string-based validation rules: <?php // String-based $request->validate([ 'password' => 'required|string|confirmed|min:8', ]); // Using the Password rule object $request->validate([ 'password' => ['required', 'confirmed', Password::min(8)], ]); In addition to replacing string rules with a fluent password rule object, the custom password rule object includes built-in methods for ensuring strong passwords: <?php $request->validate([ 'password' => [ 'required', 'confirmed', Password::min(8) ->mixedCase() ->letters() ->numbers() ->symbols() ->uncompromised(), ], ]); Never write custom regex logic for typical