Many of us are loooking to move away from Google Analytics where possible. Reasons for doing so include: Data privacy concerns Avoiding cookie warnings Seeking a simpler UI to share with clients/team While looking into alternatives you'll find a range of paid, privacy-focussed SaaS analytics products, as well as some self hosted open source options (some of which are shared by companies who also offer a hosted paid service). I wanted a self hosted option and before settling on Umami.js I also checked: Ackee Plausible (self-hosted, SaaS available) Pirsch (self-hosted, SaaS available) For all I know, these might be great - but I didn't get to a feature comparison or to try any of them out. I went with Umami.js simply because of how I wanted to install it on this occasion: on an Ubuntu VM, with Postgress/MySQL, and without using docker. One nice feature of Umami.js is easily sharing a public dashboard for a website, you can take a look at their own public dashboard (pictured bel...
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